Do you like NASCAR? Love Lego? Love MOCs? So this is the article for you!
NASCAR vehicles are extremely colorful and in sophisticated and aerodynamic shapes.
I have collected for you a variety of NASCAR Lego vehicles from artists from around the world.

For those of you who want to build Lego NASCAR MOC I recommend first of all watch all the examples I bring you here, also pay attention to some characteristics of the NASCAR Lego vehicles.
1) Aerodynamic flat vehicles (at least new vehicles)
2) All vehicles are colored and flooded with sponsors (stickers)
3) Most vehicles have a rear wing.

So let's see examples from around the world:

Phoenix1 Nascar2 Sprint5 take 3 NASCAR: now with sponsors! Pilot Atlantic Truck2 Mr.The King1 orange nascar Lego Nascar orange NASCAR version 3 Nascar Car # 56 I wanna be a race car passenger. . . Bandwagon NASCAR: title 2 IMG_5896 IMG_5893 IMG_6547 IMG_5293 IMG_6472 IMG_3913 IMG_6546